
ScreenshotYou’re not sad, exactly. You’re just tired.

You’re so tired all the time. You can’t get out of bed because what’s the point?

You have a well-reasoned argument for why you don’t deserve something as basic as peace or joy, and the only thing that keeps you safe is staying right where you are. It is as well organized and concrete as a Supreme Court brief about how you’re a worthless burden.

You feel bad because your depression has convinced you this is all you deserve.

Depression creates a stacked deck by its very nature.

Depression’s argument against your existence has the best representation in the world because the call is coming from inside the house.

Couple depression with excruciatingly painful body aches, free-floating anger, the breakdown of any healthy sleep pattern, and a pervasive sense of impending doom.

It makes sense that depression is so difficult to defend against.

Never mind that all the while, depression is doing this wild thing where it goes in and rewrites the wires in the brain so that it’s hard to have hope, like a cheating cheater.

9q2a0960The hand depression deals you is not fair.

So, if you’re struggling with overcoming your depression alone, that’s normal. Depression is a monster that has created uneven odds.

It’s unreasonable to expect anyone to battle by themselves.

So why should you?

I want to be in the trenches with you as you fight your way out, and it will be a fight. I’ve never seen anyone overcome depression without one.

But people who put in the effort can get better.

ScreenshotLet me help you make the effort easier.

I use Dialectical Behavioral Therapy skills as my foundation to help you work your way out. DBT is an evidence-based modality developed to help people struggling with self-harm and suicidality.

I will give you ways to get through the moment without making things worse and teach you how to manage your emotions.

From there, we will unpack what beliefs, behaviors, and life factors you can change to relieve your suffering and help you heal. It’s about finding what will help to arm yourself against the real enemy, your depression.

Depression is something you can fight and beat.

I want to help you do it.

If you’re ready to fight for something better, call me now at (850) 516-7550.