Teen Therapy

ScreenshotAdolescence is hard on purpose so we can navigate adulthood.

The pressures of adolescence come from everywhere, and it’s no different for your teenager.

They need to get good grades, and maintaining a social media presence requires perfect curation.

Their friends are getting into things that you don’t recognize or understand.

Dating begins for the first time, bringing a new set of worries.

You’re fighting with them. And it’s rough, letting go. Of course, it is, and you expected that.

Rebelling is what teenagers do, right? It’d be cool if you knew that your kid was okay.

But your teenager isn’t okay.

It’s not that they won’t talk to you. They’re teenagers.

It’s the dramatic change in their mood, and you’re scared.

You’re worried about their well-being. You didn’t ever think you’d be looking up therapists, and now you’re on this page.

You don’t know what normal is when your kid has said the kind of things they have.

9q2a0960Does every teenager need to go to therapy nowadays?

A parent’s love will go so far, but there are some things your teen doesn’t feel comfortable talking to you about.

It’s not your fault. You did your best, but you can’t protect your teen from everything.

You’re not supposed to.

Learning how to navigate life is part of the transition to adulthood.

Sometimes, your kids need more than you can give.

When you feel your teen is in crisis, seeking help is the right thing to do.

Folks, if you’ve gotten this far, I promise you are doing something RIGHT. Let me take it from here.

Reach out via my contact form or give me a call at (850) 516-7550 for a quick consultation. I’d love to talk to you and your teenager to devise a plan to help both of you.