Individual Therapy

ScreenshotHere’s what to expect when you come to therapy.

Okay. So. You’ve taken that huge first step and decided to do therapy. Awesome.

Now what?

Well. You picked me, so that much is out of the way. Isn’t that a relief? Yeah. I think so, too.

But what about your experience with therapy?

You may know how this all works if you’ve been to therapy before. But you might not.

Maybe you’ve never been to therapy before, only done group therapy, or seen a therapist online or on TV.

So, let’s start from the top!

9q2a0960The best therapy is the kind that works

For in-person therapy, you’ll drive from wherever you are on appointment day to my office, come inside, sit on the couch or a chair, or whatever feels comfortable. Telehealth is a video call. It’s casual and convenient and wherever you are. Either way, we meet and we’ll dive right inside.

The first session is relatively simple. It’s just about getting to know each other.

I want to know who you are, what you need, your history, and how I can help you. And I want to answer any  questions you so that you feel comfortable and ready to work.

Let’s talk about the work.

Because I know how therapy looks on TV, it’s very cozy, and yeah, it can be super comfy, but under all the shmoozing, there is a lot of genuine labor – most of it is yours.

I’m not saying this to scare you, okay? I’m telling you this because if you’re here, you’re ready to change your life.

That’s what my clients do.

ScreenshotMy clients change their lives when they put in the effort.

I show them how to change and help them practice skills from my various therapy practices, provide them with accountability, and give them a safe place to untangle how to proceed positively.

My role is to be a sounding board for problem-solving, a non-judgmental ear for venting, and a reality check.

As a diagnostician and a social worker with years of direct service and clinical experience, I use that experience to meet my clients where they are and provide whatever additional resources I can.

That’s what I will give you in therapy with me.

Fair warning: Some days, this process is going to suck. But honestly, anything worth having is challenging. Doing anything complicated sucks sometimes, but the payoff is so great.

If you stick with it, watch those relationships heal, get that job, and see those habits develop, real, tangible, measurable growth will occur. That’s the best. I do this job so I can see my clients get those accomplishments.

And if you come to therapy and put in the time, trust, and effort, you will make change happen for yourself.

Individual therapy is about making positive change.

So call or fill out the contact form below to get started.

You have too much life to live – not to start as soon as possible.

If you’re ready for something better, call me now at (850) 516-7550.